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Glowboard - Scintillator Alignment Tool
Glowboard - Scintillator Alignment Tool
Glowboard - Scintillator Alignment Tool
Glowboard - Scintillator Alignment Tool
Glowboard - Scintillator Alignment Tool

Glowboard - Scintillator Alignment Tool

MilTouch Solutions
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The GlowboardTM Scintillator Alignment Tool measures the alignment between the x-ray field and the light field.  The rare-earth phosphor will glow green while exposed to radiation. Misalignment of the light field will clearly be shown down to 0.1 inch on the built in lead-free radiopaque scales.

The 8" x-ray visible scale with -4" to 4" identified horizontally and vertically on the x- and y-axis.  Quadrants are marked A, B, C, D and 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively.

Any portion of the fluoroscopic field of view that falls outside the image receptor does not contribute to a useful image and can lead to unnecessary exposure to the patient.  This simple alignment tool will help the operator identify a misaligned fluoroscopic system.

The GlowboardTM is convenient to carry with your x-ray field testing tools.

Dimensions: 9.5” x  9.5” x 0.5”

Weight: 1.4 lbs

Alternate Uses:  The GlowboardTM may also be used for checking the light field alignment and centering of the bucky tray.

Is the x-ray radiation where it is supposed to be?  The GlowboardTM helps to answer this question.  When viewing the GlowboardTM while it is being irradiated, the technician can see where the radiation coming from the x-ray machine is hitting the board. 

Is the x-ray field aligned with the light field?  The GlowboardTM fluoresces green when it is being irradiated.  The x-ray visible scale on the GlowboardTM provides a reference to the technician when comparing the area visible on x-ray versus what is glowing on the GlowboardTM.


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